Results 13 comments of Haras

@Mte90 could you please check if #16 works for you? Here is the [fork]( with the branch `feature/disable-conditionally`. With `packer.nvim`: ``` packer.use { "Hrle97/nvim-cursorline", branch = "feature/disable-conditionally", config = function()...

I gave up on the PR #16 because the maintainer didn't answer anything and master has been changed a lot in the meantime.

@yamatsum was this not fixed in #11? I found the plugin pretty sweet so I added a pull request for a separate issue but I could not reproduce this one.

Hello! I am on a separate account because I'm lazy to switch to the other one. I am sorry but I am no longer using `doctest`, so feel free to...

I don't. It could be something else for me though if @Icy-Thought confirms that auto-session is the source of the problem. EDIT: sry for the late reply and im @HrvojeFER...

@mark2185 those features sound cool, but it like something really automatic like @jesseduffield is proposing i think ill keep you updated here whether i manage to do what i need...

Seems like it is working: ```yaml customCommands: - key: '' description: 'commit with supermodules' prompts: - type: 'input' title: 'Message' command: 'git commit -m "{{index .PromptResponses 0}}" && wd="$(pwd)" &&...

Is this better? Fixed a possible issue as well. ```yaml customCommands: - key: '' description: 'commit with supermodules' prompts: - type: 'input' title: 'Message' command: >- git commit -m "{{index...

`realpath` is just for getting the relative path of the module (maybe there's a way through `git`?). I don't need to be in the root, but it's a good starting...

ill close this for now since im fine with this solution and if anyone else wants to use it its here