Harald Kuhr

Results 15 issues of Harald Kuhr

I have downloaded the [Java 10.0.1 JRE for Windows from Oracle](http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre10-downloads-4417026.html) (I downloaded the .gz but I doubt it matters). Unpacked it and created a JAR from it, as described....

The current WebP plugin only supports decoding of *lossy* WebP, not the lossless encoding. This also means it does not support alpha, as alpha is always stored lossless in WebP....

New feature
Sponsor needed

I consider making `WhiteIsZero` the _default_ for all FAX encodings, this is not yet done. But it doesn't stop you from reading/writing images with `WhiteIsZero` photometric interpretation. See #478 for...

New feature

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See overrides of `ImageReaderAbstractTest.testReadWithSubsampleParamPixels` with `@Ignore` annotations. There are also issues left with subsampling sub-component (ie. 1, 2, 4 bits/pixel, packed ushort 565/4444 etc) types in the `TIFFImageReader`. JPEGLossless currently...

Confirmed bug

See https://github.com/github/renaming


Split from #289.

New feature

The following no longer works: ````java param.setDestinationType(ImageTypeSpecifier.createBanded(ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_sRGB), new int[]{0, 1, 2}, new int[] {0, 0, 0}, DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, false, false)); ```` The above code works for me in Java 8 (1.8.0_x)....

Confirmed bug
New feature

There is need for reading larger images than what can be created using the normal `BufferedImage` class and supporting Java2D classes. Currently, `SampleModel` (used by `WritableRaster`) has a restriction that...

New feature

Add support for JBIG compression (compression value 34661). Will require a JBIG (JBIG1) ImageReader implementation, currently JBIG2 ImageReaders exists ([levigo](https://github.com/levigo/jbig2-imageio), GPL and [JPedal](https://github.com/Borisvl/JBIG2-Image-Decoder), BSD), but no JBIG1. See #307 for...

New feature
Sponsor needed