Harold Lopez
Harold Lopez
Hi! I've been running the same problems with my app. I've found that the typing definitions introduced in `@react-navigation/core: 6.3.0` are causing the conflicts. My temporal fix was keep using...
I had temporally fixed this issue fixing the version of the dependency to `"sort-order": "1.0.1"`
Thank you @Pearce-Ropion! I'll be using your publication instead because of the delay merging this pull request.
Same problem here, it seems that this repo is already dead. I've waiting for this [PR127](https://github.com/rodgomesc/vision-camera-code-scanner/pull/127) to be merged for several weeks. I'm afraid that this dependency could block my...
I had the same issue working with a mono repo. In my case after checking that npm has resolved the same version of `react-native-reanimated` for all my dependencies I've added...