
Results 67 issues of Yt

the module erlang crypto depends on openssl 1.0.0 alpine edge just changed the dependency to openssl 1.1.1 if you try to deploy next time with docker, you might run into...

It looks like a great project! In the readme, all the links to the documentation return a 404. They all link to some special bitbucket repo, that doesn't seem to...

First of all, thank you for this amazing tool! Just to give you some context, there is a language called `Nix` used in the linux distribution called `NixOS` that is...

timex_ecto is incompatible with ecto 3.0, this prevents update to phoenix 1.4 please consider removing the dependency

Hi, could we add an environment variable for dynamic linking? Something that like `CARGO_MIMALLOC_DYNAMIC_LINKING` that would do something akin to (finding the lib with pkg-config). There might be a...

When running dgraph, I get those weird errors in the logs ``` {"_SYSTEMD_UNIT":"dgraph-alpha.service","message":"\"Failed to decode param '\"+e+\"'\",t.status=t.statusCode=400),t}}e.exports=o,o.prototype.handle_error=function(e,t,n,i){var a=this.handle;if(4!==a.length)return i(e);try{a(e,t,n,i)}catch(e){i(e)}},o.prototype.handle_request=function(e,t,n){var i=this.handle;if(i.length>3)return n();try{i(e,t,n)}catch(e){n(e)}},o.prototype.match=function(e){var t;if(null!=e){if(this.regexp.fast_slash)return this.params={},this.path=\"\",!0;if(this.regexp.fast_star)return this.params={0:s(e)},this.path=e,!0;t=this.regexp.exec(e)}if(!t)return this.params=void 0,this.path=void 0,!1;this.params={},this.path=t[0];for(var n=this.keys,i=this.params,a=1;a{\"use strict\";var i=n(5158)(\"express:router:route\"),a=n(2521),r=n(3342),o=n(8873),s=Array.prototype.slice,c=Object.prototype.toString;function...


Would you be ok with an environment variable that could be used to specify dynamic linking ? At the moment dynamic linking relies on the "pkg-config" feature. having the condition...

When one core of my machine is running at full capacity (I'm running some build or something in another tab and it's taking the full core), the ui can become...


just modifying the column to the created enum type gives an error ``` ** (Postgrex.Error) ERROR 42804 (datatype_mismatch): column "origin" cannot be cast automatically to type origin (ecto) lib/ecto/adapters/sql.ex:200: Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query!/5...

trying to build nocodb, I get this at the end of the build (after all the overrides). ``` Hash: 88d3eb52fb7243dc0e86 Version: webpack 4.46.0 Time: 1375ms Built at: 04/23/2022 11:52:54 PM...
