Nabil-Fareed Alikhan
Nabil-Fareed Alikhan
Grapetree isnt really designed for this data. you can make a tree from binary data in something like IQTREE. and then visualize the resulting tree file with grapetree.
I use the following in Dryad to allow users to specify a minimum % identity over a minimum % of gene length. (where lenCutOff is the percentage of original gene...
Hi. Your reference is huge. Over 20MB. On Mon, 9 Dec 2019, 10:52 com31, wrote: > [image: Screenshot from 2019-12-09 16-20-04] > > Can anyone helped me with this issus...
hi @happykhan - ive been using CGview tools and notice that the file extension for reference genome needs to be .fasta and the comparison genomes needs to be .fna
Wait, why am i talking to myself?