Shuwei Hao
Shuwei Hao
`velero restore get` 能看到`clusterbk-20200107024432`吗
``` velero restore logs clusterbk-20200107023607 |grep error ``` 看下错误日志输出是什么
可能是你的集群在restore的时候有资源冲突,比如port被占用等情况; 一般建议对应用单独备份和恢复,集群备份会涉及到全局范围的一些资源, 容易冲突
I have created a issue in velero project, we can watch []( to see how is the velero community thinking about this.
@tareqhs Sorry for the late reply and thanks for your comments and work. Yes, you are right, we should make this plugin deployed using helm chart with different values, i...
Waiting for PR [#2152]( and PR [#27]( to be merged and release.
@jonasrosland Sure, please contact me is there is anything need to do.
add memory resource and try again