我只能說這大佬太強了! 陸、港的工程師好多樂於分享且也非常厲害! 對外語閱讀不是那麼自然的人 透過華語引導 真的會進入狀況很快
> OK! I solve it ! the reason of this problem is the wrong output format of stream from ffmpeg! > And I change the command (in readme file) to...
> Number(1) 发生了隐式类型转换 這類相關訊息 有推薦系統系的學習資源的嗎?
Wow,I think I need this, my project need to collapse gantt, I have no idea how to implement 😢
This is very odd I use this and it can work ``` import { GLView } from 'expo-gl' ``` I think it's not stable :(
> > I think prototype pattern is reduce resource consumption. > > Use`Object.create(Prototype.prototype) ` wouldn't it be better? > > That's what I thought.Sometimes,clone a object is more efficient than...
> > > > I think prototype pattern is reduce resource consumption. > > > > Use`Object.create(Prototype.prototype) ` wouldn't it be better? > > > > > > > >...
> ### 毕业两年我的感悟: > * 自身的实力最重要,要有一样核心技能,其他方面也要有所涉猎。 > * 公司带给个人的影响是很大的,如果一个公司不愿意培养你,真的不值得去付出。 > * 沟通确实很重要,沟通不明确会导致接下来一系列的问题。 > * 说话是后天锻炼出来的,多和人交流,话到嘴边留三分。 > * 不用讨厌加班,人与人拉开差距就在下班后的几个小时,加班可以学习啊。雷军还说过你拿3000块钱换我一个月的青春,多不划算。 加班如果是頻繁的業務邏輯變更或是需求改變 我覺得還是很難說服自己