@clementprdhomme Ahh interesting. I haven't thought of this use case. I will play around with your implementation. Thanks!
@navcoder just started a new job this week. I will try to add support over the weekend 😅
@christofferfleat Feel free to submit a PR.
I don't use this any more but if you or anyone has a fix I will take a PR. Thanks.
@MDrock116 Check out https://github.com/mrooney/mintapi if you need to access the mint API. Also seems like it needs a headless browser I would like to keep things simple here.
It's needed if you have 2 factor enabled in your personal capital settings.
@sjmclean Dropbox stopped supporting the API used in this repo last September. https://blogs.dropbox.com/developers/2017/06/updated-api-v1-deprecation-timeline/
I am running into the same problem. It appears to be a problem with cookies not being enabled by the script (in `__do_page`?).