Hans Svensson
Hans Svensson
A basic model for testing multi-node + some fixes that I had to do locally to run on a modern QuickCheck version...
This adds a low-level APIs to perform computations over the edwards25519 curve, only useful to implement custom constructions. Exposed functions: crypto_ed25519_scalarmult/2, crypto_ed25519_scalarmult_base/1, crypto_ed25519_scalarmult_noclamp/2, crypto_ed25519_scalarmult_base_noclamp/1, crypto_ed25519_add/2, crypto_ed25519_sub/2, crypto_ed25519_is_valid_point/1, crypto_ed25519_scalar_reduce/1, crypto_ed25519_scalar_negate/1, crypto_ed25519_scalar_add/2,...
Currently names can resolve to Oracles and Accounts at the protocol level (in transactions) - it would make perfect sense to also allow names to resolve to Contracts. This would...
Consensus breaking - guarded with `VmVersion` switch. Fixes #3674 This PR is supported by the Æternity Crypto Foundation
Fixes #4279. This PR is supported by Æternity Foundation
Apart from 'else' and 'maybe' it was mainly deps with warning/errors/deprecations that needed update. Also included a new rebar3. This PR is supported by Æternity Foundation.
Replaces #4191 - with a branch in this repo for easier collaboration. There are a few things to consider here. * A minimum gas price is only relevant when chain...
Fixes #4072. Introduces a separate gen_server `aec_sync_stats` holding sync statistics. It will log stats every 1000, 5000, 10000, 20000 and 100000 generations. Like: ``` 2024-02-27 10:58:23.237 [info] @aec_sync_stats:log_agg_stats:{173,5} Synced 10000...
Fixes #3669 This PR is supported by Æternity Foundation
Fixes #4346 This PR is supported by the Æternity Foundation