Hanif Dwy Putra S
Hanif Dwy Putra S
The same problem with me, but i do `npm rebuild` or `rm -rf node_modules && npm install` that's work!
my friends 😅
MacOS: 1. Install [XCode](https://developer.apple.com/xcode/download/) 2. Once XCode is installed, go to Preferences, Downloads, and install the Command Line Tools. Windows: 1. npm i -g --add-python-to-path --vs2015 --production windows-build-tools 2. npm...
Source: https://enmap.evie.dev/install#pre-requisites
> > Has anyone tried the solution presented by @hansputera ? > > I just tried it (the vs2015 part), and can confirm it works, though I'd like to point...
I tried with node version v15 and v14 won't work.
Thanks for report, I'll label it as a bug, and I'd investigate on it
Fixed. Please check latest version (2.3.1) Thanks
fix by myself.