
Results 11 issues of hanshupe

Is there any support for KDE (Kernel Density Estimation) based outlier detection planned?

help wanted

In some cases transforming the target will improve the prediction drastically for regression problems (see: https://scikit-learn.org/stable/auto_examples/compose/plot_transformed_target.html) Can I use the sklearn.compose.TransformedTargetRegressor step in a tpot pipeline, so that it transforms...

In my pipeline I use the SelectFromModel step with a LinearRegression model for feature selection. It requires standardization of the input features using the StandardScaler. But I would like to...

Can I add a list for score_func, so that the optimal function is selected by tpot during the optimization? ``` 'sklearn.feature_selection.SelectKBest': { 'k': range(3, 20), 'score_func': [ 'sklearn.feature_selection.mutual_info_regression': None ,...

I wonder if there is an operator available to filter out rows from the training data based on tuneable parameters. I am only aware of the Selector-Transformer-Regressor steps, but I...

I see that after the TPOT optimization a preprocessor like robustScaler was selected. I wonder if it's possible that robustScaler is applied not on the entire set of features but...

need contributor

Is it the following behaviour expected? I start tpot with a fixed template "Selector-Transformer-Regressor" but then I get a StackingEstimator model. I am not completely sure, but I think I...


Can the ASTRA framework also be used for multi-label classifications? As I understood weak supervisors are taking advantage of conflicting rules and labels, which would not work with multi-labels. Any...

Is there anything to consider for multi-labelling problems?

In the provided examples GPL us used for semantic search tasks: given a query, relevant results should be retrieved. Is it also the recommended approach to get meaningful embeddings /...