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ROS meta-package for Elfin robot
hello, I am doing some control research using elfin3. I want to periodically get the state of joint(not state of encoder) and end. And i also also want to freely...
Hi Team, We are looking to integrate a custom made parallel gripper with an elfin 5 robot using ROS move it config. We have added the gripper (see description below)...
hello everyone, I want to implement UR5 manipulator with Moveit package in ROS noetic, but I am not able to do that? do you have any source material?
I'm currently working on a project where I need to control a DH brand Gripper that is connected to the **endIO** of an **elfin5** robot using ROS. I have successfully...
When I use catkin_make the error appeared and notice me that joint_trajectory_controller cannot be found, how can I solve this problem? -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- ~~ traversing 25 packages in topological...
Hello, where are the collision detection force cutoffs defined? I would like to be able to increase the sensitivity to collisions for safety, so even a light collision will trigger...
Hi! I put the e05 arm's urdf in VREP , but i dont know how to configuring the Kinematics module ? And I there is no IK mode in scene...
Hi, I am currently trying to implement a controller for the Elfin5 robot using a PD+gravity compensation controller, for that, I need to use the already available Effort Interface. Still,...
I just started working with a robotic arm and I would like to know if Elfin fully supports Ros2 to choose the way I want to operate the robotic arm,...