
Results 24 issues of Hanster

Let's say if i want to tentively disable jasypt from decrypting my properties value in my spring-boot based application, what is the cleanest way to do so. Is there any...

Is there any configuration for karma to launch browser in a separate instance? I usually has chrome open for my own surfing web purpose. When i startup karma, it always...

Hi, IDE: Spring Tool Suite 4.13.0.RELEASE I observed that in a multi-project tasks, the child projects' tasks are all greyed out in the gradle view. My understanding is that if...

a:bug :beetle:

Hi all, Currently, in order to do debugging, i have to do the below one-time setup Add the below to build.gradle ``` bootRun { jvmArgs=["-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=32323"] } ``` Add a debug...


Hi, I would like to suggest to enhance the plugin to allow us to remove specified dependency (regardless of whether it is used or unused) . Cos currently gradle does...

Why is this feature good to have? ===================== To make ALL the tabbed views viewable, so that switching to another tabbed view is only at most 1 mouse click away....

Rather than configure each configured terminals to execute the same shell command when it starts up, , is it possible to configure a global command such that it applies to...


Extension Name: vscode-gradle Extension Version: v3.12.2 OS Version: windows 10 VSCode version: 1.69.2 Vscode-java extension version: v1.9.0 **Describe the bug** Clicking on the debug icon beside the task "bootRun" intermittently...


Extension Name: vscode-gradle Extension Version: v3.10.0 OS Version: windows 10 pro VSCode version: v1.64.0 **Describe the bug** Enable parallel Run result in weird behavior. **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the...


To show a stop button for the task when parallel run is enabled, and when play button is clicked. The stop button will show a tiny running number to indicate...
