Han Joosten
Han Joosten
I have been experimenting with the ENFORCE statement. However, in doing so, I got a fatal (while building a docker image): ~~~ #9 0.685 ! Ampersand-v4.6.2 [51c3de2e65c540ef026925fe8547c991765a5588:refs/tags/v4.6.2] #9 0.685 Cannot...
Ampersand can compile a .xlsx-file as though it were a context by itself. This is useful to include a batch of data (population) into an Ampersand-script. There are at least...
With the introduction of TTYPE, we now have concepts without a proper equivalence relation defined. This already causes errors, because SQL does not allow these concepts as the primary key...
For the Atlas import, a JSON file is generated by the Atlas. However, there can be issues with the generated file. I.e, the name of a concept cannot be any...
Finally! Transitive closures
The problem is that we have no agreed-upon semantics of the namespace stuff. So how are we going to build it first-time-right? _Originally posted by @stefjoosten in https://github.com/AmpersandTarski/Ampersand/issues/1467#issuecomment-1950984951_
On porting the atlas importer to ampersand 5, I encounter the following issues with the expected .json structure. This is a list of required fixes at the side of the...
I use this library to programmatically generate SQL. Recently, I am adding a feature in which I need to use recursive common table expressions. Fortunately, you support this with the...