Han Joosten
Han Joosten
I am trying to setup a devcontainer, so other contributors of our team do not have to worry about their tooling. However, it keeps complaining about ghcup not installed. The...
New to smos, I want to give it a try. I found installation instructions at https://smos.cs-syd.eu/building-installation.html Cloning is no problem. Building fails. Here is my log: ~~~ D:\git>git clone https://github.com/NorfairKing/smos...
In a project I use, we have a build-type: Custom. During executing Setup.hs, a new .hs file is being generated. Currently, I use the HSL setup with VSCode. That works...
When I open the details of a commit, I see a tree of the files that are modified in that commit. If I rightclick on a file, a list of...
Dont't get me wrong. This list is an awsome idea. However, it could be great to have a one-liner for each item on it that explains why it is on...
I use zip-archive as a library in [ampersand](https://github.com/AmpersandTarski/Ampersand). We need to extract the file https://github.com/AmpersandTarski/Prototype/archive/v1.1.1.zip programatticaly. Since we upgraded to zip-archive v0.4, we get an error message: ``` Generating prototype......
When I start ghcid from within vscode (command `start ghcid`), the new terminals starts with the following output: ~~~ Loading stack ghci --test --bench --no-load --ghci-options=-fno-code --ghci-options=-fno-break-on-exception --ghci-options=-fno-break-on-error --ghci-options=-v1 --ghci-options=-ferror-spans...
Consider the following code snipet: ~~~ instance Traversable P_BoxItem where traverse f (P_BxExpr nm pos' ctx mCrud mView msub) = (\ctx' msub'->(P_BxExpr nm pos' ctx' mCrud mView msub')) traverse f...
I have the following script: ~~~ CONTEXT Issue1487 CONCEPT Foo "This concept is not used anywhere in the script." ENDCONTEXT ~~~ When I run the following command: ~~~ ampersand population...
Currently, purposes can contain texts in different kinds of layout, like markdown, LaTeX, ReST, etc, We use pandoc to parse these texts. We also use pandoc to render the documents...