Hanish Kumar
Hanish Kumar
hey @sailendraw can we make state management false to individual items? and for other state management true.
@wahyu-handayani Hey, To rebuild only screen A everytime when bottom nav bar click not B and C Use this: Inside PersistentBottomNavBarItem( OnPressed: setstate to _controller.index=0 0 represent that screen index...
> Can you Share code with PersistentBottomNavBarItem Widget, make sure statemangement is true
```List _navBarsItems;``` ``` List _buildScreens() { return [DashBoardScreen(), Home(), SaveDriver(), YardGLoc(), Ads()]; } ``` inside initState ``` _navBarsItems = [ PersistentBottomNavBarItem( onPressed: (BuildContext context) { print("Hello"); setState(() { _controller.index =...
Try above Code & setCurrentindex = 0 , currentIndex = 2 not callback index in each PersitentBottomNavBarItem, setmanagement to true
Is this inside initState?
Globally Declare this: ``` List _navBarsItems; ``` then inside initState add return _navBarItems= [... PersitantBottomNavBarItem];
See my above Code you are not writing the code that i mentioned above whole code. follow step by step then paste whole screen code
Declare Globally ``` int current_index =0; ``` then inside PersitentTabController pass current_index to initialIndex
> I will try it again with your code and let you know the result @hanishk Did you get it?