@LiuMengzhou 我的理解是,在例子中,第一第二次的name更新,都指向同一个job对象。第一次把job加入到queue中以后,第二次更新时,是把第一次的job.cb或者job.ctx给覆盖了。
Recently, I was playing around with ng-redux, immutable and reselect. I post the link here https://github.com/johanzhou8/ng-redux/tree/master/examples/async-immutable in case someone needs the example.
What I found is that the targetFunction will be called once when the controller is initialized. The dispatching actions doesn't work. However, later, if you change the state and targetFunction...
http://codepen.io/johanzhou8/pen/XMxROo Here is the really simple example using the custom filter function to filter date range. Hope it helps.