Xiaoning Liu

Results 11 comments of Xiaoning Liu

> 我在训练SHHB时出现如上问题,该如何解决呢?谢谢! > I have the above problem while training SHHB, how can I solve it?Thanks! 可否加一下你的联系方式,我们互相交流一下,我训练的时候也是报错?


> _No description provided._ 你好,可以互相交流一下吗?方便加一下QQ吗?

> 建议提供具体报错的位置,便于排查问题所在。 学长,您好,我就是直接运行SHHB该数据集时,出现如上错误。

> validate_V2 in trainer.py line202 has referenced a undefined value mse, and it could cause run error > > ``` > self.train_record = update_model(self.net,self.optimizer,self.scheduler,self.epoch,self.i_tb,self.exp_path,self.exp_name, \ > [mae, **mse**, loss],self.train_record,self.log_txt) >...

> train.py->trainer.py->trainer.py中的validate_v1->update_model() > update_model()在misc.utils中定义,这个函数中写有如何保存模型。 在train.py针对SHHB数据集遇到了一些问题,如下所示:不知道您遇到过没有? RuntimeError: 'path' must be None or a list, not


> Is it possible to train the model with my own dataset? The training model is available for us?

> Have you ever met the problem that CUDA out of memory? I have two gpus and both is Tesla T4 16g, even I set the batchsize to 1 ,the...