Hendra Anggrian
Hendra Anggrian
`URLSpan` is a common text span that deserves its own function in `SpannableStringBuilder.kt`.
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Along with ArrayAdapter, there should be a way to populate hashtags and mentions with CursorAdapter, Cursor Loader, etc.
`SocialTextWatcher` is a text change listener that monitors whether user is currently typing a hashtag or mention. This is particularly useful for `SocialAutoCompleteTextView` in event that whether you want to...
If you look at [VideoRecyclerViewAdapter.java](https://github.com/danylovolokh/VideoPlayerManager/blob/master/app/src/main/java/com/volokh/danylo/videolist/video_list_demo/adapter/VideoRecyclerViewAdapter.java), specifically at: ``` @Override public VideoViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup viewGroup, int position) { BaseVideoItem videoItem = mList.get(position); View resultView = videoItem.createView(viewGroup, mContext.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().widthPixels); return new VideoViewHolder(resultView); } ```...
I have two strings, both are single-line chain method calls that do not violate the max lines rule. ```kt val left = result.value.drop(1).dropLast(1).lowercase() val right = result.value.last() ``` When joined...