Kyohei Fukuda

Results 29 comments of Kyohei Fukuda

Hi @karo-init ! We can use Multipage PDF as basePDF. Could you please share minimal reproduction and code?

@karo-init Sorry for the late reply. Could you upload EXAMPLE_PDF?

Hi @devcloser columns are used by form's focus order. ![CleanShot20220711at164216]( therefore, if you need a generator only, you don't need columns.

Hi, @leduclinh7141 ! Thank you for the bug report. This problem is caused by the character code of the QR code. Some QR code reader doesn't read Japanese as Shift_JIS....

@cuongp1 Can you give me a minimal reproducible example?

No, we don't need page number, because the schema is an array, the schema's elements represent each pdf page, ![Untitled-2022-05-23-1557 excalidraw](

Hi, @ivelin Thank you for the question. > Has there been a discussion to support standard PDF Form fields for better interoperability with other PDF software? Not yet... But this...

Hi @danilowoz I want this feature. Now, I'm struggling to set the cursor position. Until this feature is released, I would like to know if there is a way to...

Thank's report. > Note that if font size is dropped to 9 then the issue doesn't appear, so I'm guessing it's just a magical combination of character line length and...

您好, XRender是一个非常出色的库,非常感谢你们的辛勤工作。 我正在一个开源PDF创建库的wysiwyg编辑器中使用它,所以我想分享一下。 - 产品:pdfme - 公司或组织(如果可能):pdfme - 链接(如果可能): - GitHub Repo: - Demo: - 截图(如果可能): ![CleanShot 2024-01-03 at 16 58 33@2x]( --- translated by ChatGPT