Michael Miday
Michael Miday
Currently when formatting based on the string-quotes setting all quotes are replaced regardless of occurence in the files. This is highly problematic as it eliminates the ability to use encapsulated...
Checklist: - [x] Correct branch: master for new features; 3.2.x for fixes - [x] Tests pass - [x] Code follows coding guidelines: [master](https://area51.phpbb.com/docs/dev/master/development/coding_guidelines.html) and [3.2.x](https://area51.phpbb.com/docs/dev/3.2.x/development/coding_guidelines.html) - [x] Commit follows commit...
I get this error in atom when saving a js file using version 0.24.0 in my pkg.json
Currently it looks like this only works with emojione, this can cause problems with integrating it with projects that can not use emojione due to licensing issues as emojione is...
Hey guys love the package my only issue with these standards (which are great by the way), and the one rule i feel should be configurable is the spacing of...
Bootstrap is a moden css framework so why would you build the theme to inherent from prosilver's horribly un semantic mess of a coding structure. this is wrong. Remove the...