
Results 10 comments of han-so1omon

I got it working with something like the code below. I'm using gorilla/websocket for websocket connection management and messaging. ```go //////////////////////////// server.go package main import ( "github.com/gorilla/websocket" "github.com/julienschmidt/httprouter" "log" "net/http"...

@julienschmidt I recommend closing this issue and labeling as `question`

Has this been merged and if so how is it used? Roundtripping is [recommended here](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38443889/golang-logging-http-responses-in-addition-to-requests) as a way to log http requests

For navigating between nodes and adjusting parameters it triggering actions quickly. I want to use ingen for live looping with sooperlooper and such

I'm doing it in ingen gui. I'm new to gui programming, but I'm down to give it a try. Most of the code can work in any program with the...

Yeah but not all nodes are visible at all times. Maybe a modifier to show all nodes with names

For me on Archlinux, the app does not function correctly and renders as a gray box. I built using `yarn install && yarn build linux-standalone`. I also had to manually...

Same issue. Where could `storage_ptr_` be defined? It is clear the purpose of it, but it is not clear why it is not in the class definition in the same...

I have this issue as well. `C++14 support has been enabled by default.`. Using gcc version 4.8.4 on Ubuntu 14.04. Update: This problem is alleviated when switching to a newer...

I did miss this, sorry! I'll discuss with some folks and get back to y'all :)