Hamza Khan

Results 9 comments of Hamza Khan

app:emojiconAlignment="baseline" app:emojiconSize="s18" add these in your attributes. change emoji size according to your textSize.

you are using emoji size s28 but text size s18, so your TextView height is wrap_content and it's wrapping according to s18 size of text.

@greenrobot-team is this feature completed?

Issue resolved for me, just use onDestroy method to removeVideoApi and invokeStop @Override protected void onStop() { super.onStop(); Log.d(VideoPlayerActivity.class.getCanonicalName(), "onStop: "); playlistManager.unRegisterPlaylistListener(this); if (videoApi.isPlaying()) { playlistManager.invokePausePlay(); } } @Override protected...

I am facing the same issue. ExoMedia Version : 4.3.0 Device: Samsung S8+, Mi A3, Redmi Note 8, Sony xperia z5 and others

Issue resolved for me, just use onDestroy method to removeVideoApi and invokeStop @Override protected void onStop() { super.onStop(); Log.d(VideoPlayerActivity.class.getCanonicalName(), "onStop: "); playlistManager.unRegisterPlaylistListener(this); if (videoApi.isPlaying()) { playlistManager.invokePausePlay(); } } @Override protected...

If select multiple from Multi choice spinner and open single choice spinner. then multiple selected items are showing. Data set must be different for both