I am having an issue related to the keyboard layout. I have a spanish keyboard and want to type the grave tilde (`), ASCII code 96, but seem unable to...
When using this in Forward mode (Server in Victim), I run an nmap and the response it gives is "port open", even when the port is closed. Is there a...
I was able to install all the packages on Windows, no issues (although pandas was a bit pain in the neck, but managed to install the specified version), all pip...
**Checklist:** * [X] I have checked that there are no issues with similar or the same content **YOU SHOULD CHECK CLOSED ISSUES AS WELL** * [X] I have checked the...
I'm running on Ubuntu, and when running ./Responder.py When capturing hashes, the first time it works and gives me the username and hash, but from then it always says the...
**Bug Description** When accessing the Overview page, it does not display how much I currently have invested. It does show the graph and the current ROI, but not the main...