Muhammad Hammad Khan

Results 9 comments of Muhammad Hammad Khan

Do I have to retrain my lightfm model on full feed data everytime? because I have around 70gb data rightnow which I gather from elastic search and then transform it...

@RothNRK No I know about I was asking about how reduce training time or only train my model on the new data not on full feed does that work?

Great it means I have to train my model once one full data offline and then use fit_partial on the new production data?

Do I have to load user_features and item_features to pass them in predict method while getting predictions in production server?? I think my server memory will run out because of...

@nocedan Rightnow I am filtering my item_ids before prediction based on users country,city and in which category he is currently is and then I pass those item ids to the...

@nocedan I have not deployed it yet but on my local machine my call is taking around 580ms

@nocedan Another filtering process I am doing i missed before is on items tags similarity in which I have to compare list of tags of each item_id against the list...

@nocedan I have optimised it rightnow it works fast i will tell you the exact time after measuring but as the data grows it will increase so I am worried...

@nocedan Yes i have seen the paper and documentation. Anyways can you guide me about online training of my lightFM model in production how can I do it do I...