Hamid Palangi
Hamid Palangi
Gentle follow up Kevin, any thoughts? Thanks, -Hamid
Great work @ry, very useful! @jazzsaxmafia : Try listing all Tensor names by: ``` ops = sess.graph.get_operations() for i in xrange(len(ops)): print(ops[i].values()) ``` then pick up the layer you want.
Thanks much gaxler! Would it be possible to share your converted models to TF? For some reason I can not install Caffe on my machine ... Thanks! Hamid
Also the results from two separate runs could be quite different, e.g., when I ran above experiment again I ended up getting Avg recall BLEU of 0.28 and 0.22 in...
+1, thanks for great work! Do you guys have ETA when you will release the info for training the captioning model? Thanks! -Hamid