hamed shirbandi

Results 37 issues of hamed shirbandi

Attachments can be any type of safe files. - add attachments list to task details view model - add new api to add an attachment to a task - add...

user panel
user panel api

- add attachment to domain model - implement attachment application services - update the domain documentation

feature requested
domain model

- add a new api to UserPanelAPI to change the task priority - handle drag and drop in UserPanel to change the task priority

feature requested
user panel
user panel api

- add priority and its related behavior to task

feature requested
domain model

- seed all permissions to db - add HasPermissionFilterAttribute to all actions

admin panel

- add a header to the requests from acceptance tests - check the headers of the incoming request and create a sandbox db by middleware - remove the sandbox db...

user panel api

- make a docker compose with required services for running the app - update project README file with docker compose information

feature requested

Pending tasks are ToDo and Doing tasks. - add new api to get pending tasks for an organization - add a toggle drawer to dashboard index to show the pending...

feature requested
user panel
user panel api