After updating to v 1.33, the XCode build now fails with `Undefined symbols for architecture arm64: "_ArAnchor_getTerrainAnchorState", referenced from: _ExternApi_ArAnchor_getTerrainAnchorState_m9DCE274180FAB534002A2D9F9C2F3BF7F8F92DF1 in Google.XR.ARCoreExtensions.o (maybe you meant: _ExternApi_ArAnchor_getTerrainAnchorState_m9DCE274180FAB534002A2D9F9C2F3BF7F8F92DF1) ld: symbol(s) not found...
When we're calling arAnchorManager.ResolveCloudAnchorId, it fails with ErrorIllegalState, and I can't seem to find any clear information about what this illegal state might possibly be. Docs say "A function has...