Benjamin Tamasi

Results 14 issues of Benjamin Tamasi

With CakePHP 2.8.x Stack trace just gives me calling $p->createWorkSheet(); $p is a loaded PHPExcelHelper I checked it.

This is probably just me not knowing typescript enough, but I've been trying now for hours unsuccessfully. I want to type a variable to `SpotifyApi.TrackObjectFull[]` Basically after calling `this.spotify.getTracks(...)`, I'm...

Having the ability to install this via [Conan]( would be awesome. I starting working on a conanfile, but this is in no way complete. I was hoping someone with more...

Hi, I really like this as I've used bulma a lot before with Buefy and Vue.js. I'd really like to use it with Svelte, but I can't use it when...

### Summary: When I try to export a Model, I get the following error: ``` The inferred type of 'CatModel' cannot be named without a reference to '../lib/nodejs/node_modules/dynamoose/dist/General'. This is...

help wanted

## Expected Behaviour I have a function which runs ffmpeg to convert a video. It's CPU bound, so I've used HPAv2 to autoscale the pods running my function. This works...


This adds the option to specify what function to use for `fetch` requests. Itt adds compatibility for using AppSearch in [SvelteKit load functions]( Backwards compatible, but allows to specify a...

Hi, I noticed when creating two webhooks: ``` resource "stripe_webhook_endpoint" "stripe" { url = "${aws_api_gateway_stage.stage.invoke_url}${aws_api_gateway_resource.stripe.path}" enabled_events = [ "charge.captured", "charge.expired", "charge.failed", "charge.pending", "charge.refund.updated", "charge.refunded", "charge.succeeded", "charge.updated", "checkout.session.async_payment_failed", "checkout.session.async_payment_succeeded", "checkout.session.completed", ]...

I'm running some end to end tests using playwright on my svelte app using felte for my forms. Sometimes my tests run so fast, that they click the form's submit...