Results 18 comments of Matt Young

Some other priorities took attention, but would still like to (eventually) revisit this. The goal would be to run vuls scanning _from_ k8s --> outside cluster to machines/instances. In our...

Prior art:

+1, would like to use it here:

High level overview of Cortex vs. Mimir, side-by-side: nice high level quantified "data based" summary of Commits, Issues, PR/MR, and the Community #'s. the Cortex project started back in...

## Concerns * longevity of the Cortex Project * Abandonment by project by maintainers shortly after Incubation. * Customers don't have vendor support for (Cortex) Apache2 based project. ## Action:...

Hi @jeefy, I have a question :) ## Context / Background I'm pulling data (daily) into (with a GH Action [here]( TLDR: it's putting the landscape metadata into a...

Some folks contribute to and/or participate in multiple TAGs as well as TOC discussions. We should ensure that our process, workflow(s), and data model accounts and allows for this. +1...

> It would also be good to clarify either if the TOC needs to approve WGs in the TAG or the TAG has autonomy to create the WGs. Or if...

Questions for CNCF CIL folk... * do we have dedicated interconnects (e.g. BGP) to route between VPC endpoints in azure/gcp/aws, or must we traverse public internet? * Do we have...

There's an opportunity to collaborate with a workstream launched out of ([WG: observe-k8s]( How/where can I learn more about this effort? Thanks! Matt