Koki Takahashi
Koki Takahashi
Note that [ES2015 modules are not yet standard](https://github.com/whatwg/loader#loader) (in spite of its name) and [possibly breaking by future spec changes](https://github.com/whatwg/loader#implementation-status). That's why I hesitate using `import` in my _brand new_...
I recently [posted the answer in SO](http://stackoverflow.com/a/39566076/2864502) about running Snap.svg in Node.js with jsdom. In short: ``` js const jsdom = require('jsdom'); const xmlserializer = require('xmlserializer'); jsdom.env('', ['node_modules/snapsvg/dist/snap.svg.js'], (error, window)...
I also have this problem. I think the recent changes (like 0.15.2 or 0.15.5) about tsconfig.json are very breaking and should be released under major version...
> hiraganizeやkatakanaizeで入力に半角カタカナを使用した場合に、変換後ひらがなやカタカナに変換されないようです。仕様でしょうか? hiraganize()による半角カタカナの変換については、対応する予定です。濁点や半濁点の扱いでUnicode正規化の手順などを考える必要があるので後回しとなっています。 (すぐには着手できないのでPullReqも歓迎します) katakanize()では半角カタカナは変換しない予定です。 > また、全角カタカナを半角カタカナに変換する関数は存在しないのでしょうか? 文字列を半角化・全角化する関数を構想中ですが、同じくすぐには着手できません。
I read [the paper of TrueSkill2](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/uploads/prod/2018/03/trueskill2.pdf), and IMHO it is not something that should be implemented as a library. In this paper they proposed the way to make changes to...
For anyone interested in implementing for-of loop using existing LiveScript syntax, ``` livescript entries = map.entries! until (iterator = entries.next!).done [key, value] = iterator.value ... ``` is equivalent to ```...
For people struggling using SUID with SolidStart **1.0**: By following [getting started guide](https://suid.io/getting-started/installation), I got `SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'export'` error. To resolve it, instead of adding `vite.config.ts` to your project,...
Well, I switched to CJS because my webpack build is broken. I don't want to break anything and there is no reason to use cutting edge technology if it works...