Hakan Kjellerstrand

Results 14 issues of Hakan Kjellerstrand

In certain models, e.g. Steiner problem ( http://hakank.org/julia/constraints/steiner.jl ) there would be a great modelling benefit if one can sum over a list of constraints/conditions. Example (from the Steiner model)....

new constraint type

Issue 202 (https://github.com/Wikunia/ConstraintSolver.jl/issues/202 ) got a little sidetracked so here is a cleaner wish list. 1) The constraints using indicator/reification should not require that the user must create binary variables....


Here is a model that works without `@objective` but adding an `@objective` throws `MethodError: no method matching iterate(::Nothing)`. I don't know is this is a bug in my model or...

branching strategy

It would be great to be able to write more complex expressions, such as indicators and reifications in the RHS of an indicator / reification. For example (from http://hakank.org/julia/constraints/monks_and_doors.jl )...

For checking the unicity of a model (e.g. Sudoku) - or in general testing a model - it would be great if it it was possible to restrict the number...


Would it be possible to add a modulo constraint (as `mod(x,y)` or `x % y` or `x mod y`)? The mod constraint is quite handy for certain CSP problems. e.g....

new constraint type

Are there plan to support general nonlinear constraints (in the future)? Coming from constraint programming systems such as MiniZinc, Picat, Gecode, OR-tools, etc, I'm quite used to - and spoiled...

new constraint type

It would be great with a way of obtaining the domain in a variable when writing a Model. It's useful for writing better decompositions than "simply" using the variable's upper/lower...


I tried the following model which tests the `x[ix]` construct where `x` is an a array of decisions variables and `ix` is a decision variable, The constraint `@constraint(m, x[ix] ==...


(Perhaps I should be surprised by this, but I wanted to report it.) The following model solves the problem of finding the smallest difference between ABCDE - FGHIJ, where A..J...
