Haig Armen
Haig Armen
I've run into the same problem as jditte, midi notes not triggering until a long amount of time has past. Shortening the decay doesn't seem to make a difference. Any...
I'm going to try a different MIDI controller and see what happens. The one I used works just fine on other gear.
I've now tried a couple of midi sources and they all seem to result in the NSynth dropping notes and no polyphony. Feels like a software problem but could it...
@jdttle yes, it was the same one. Hmmmm
I soldering a new 6N139 Optocoupler onto the board after reading a suggestion from closed issue no 34 https://github.com/googlecreativelab/open-nsynth-super/issues/34 but it didn't make any difference. Still getting intermittent midi notes...
jditte I tried your MidiThread.cpp file and recompiled the app, playing Midi notes seemed to not trigger any sound but the screen would react by going straight to the command...
@jditte It has been strange, I can't seem to even get back to a compiled version with original MidiThread.cpp. I've copied the original back into /home/pi/opt/of/apps/open-nsynth/open-nsynth/src/MidiThread.cpp but it behaved the...
I'll try to be clearer about what I mean. I downloaded the original src files from this repo before recompiling and I did use the touch command. What are the...
Looks like your RaspberryPi doesn't have enough power. Try using a power adapter with 5 volts at 2.5 amps. https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/hardware/raspberrypi/power/README.md