Results 48 comments of HAHWUL

scope and exclude pattern ``` $ authz0 new --receive-proxy 8070 admin.yaml --receive-exclude="js,png,gif" $ authz0 new --receive-proxy 8070 admin.yaml --receive-scope="www.hahwul.com,admin.hahwul.com" ```

인증서 이슈 때문에 천천히 하자... 😅

Hi @d0xo , Can you tell me more about the environment? Please write information that can be shared, such as OS version or distribution name. I understand that files under...

For now, please check if the command below makes it possible to executeable The `-Ilib` option is used for running tests in the library, but if it is a problem...

Hi, @takshal @d0xo Can you find the executable in the path below? ``` ~/.rvm/gems/ruby-{your-ruby-version}/bin/xspear ```

The next best option is proxychains4. ``` $ proxychains4 xspear -u "your-target" ```

Code Snippet ```ruby ENV['http_proxy'] = '' # your http://address:port here ``` or ```ruby proxy_addr = 'proxy' proxy_port = 8080 Net::HTTP.new('www.hahwul.com', nil, proxy_addr, proxy_port).start { |http| # always proxy via your.proxy.addr:8080...

Hi @bsysop ! Thank you so much for your opinion! Right. That's why I'm thinking about [this issue](https://github.com/hahwul/XSpear/issues/56). But I still haven't figured out what's better. I don't know if...

@bsysop but, I still need more think. Ah, and thank you so much for the give the PoC yesterday :)

@bsysop What you gave me was very helpful! Thanks, man :)