Hoang Van-Ha
Hoang Van-Ha
This pdf reader is great. However, it would be better if it has auto update feature instead of doing update job manually. Anytime i want to update this software, I...
fix conflict with OpenCV
It seems that after the first time using Token extracted from HTML, the author continues to use that token while the token already changed. To fix this problem, update to...
I have use SECoreTextView in my project. It's nice but my app want to support many languages (included language that have writing direction right to left (RTL) like Arabic). The...
I want to render only images with SECoreTextView. I have an attributedString: **\* (three \* character without format) and and array images. I render these images using SECoreTextView with this...
Thank you for sharing the code. As described in the paper (and Readme also), I know that the pose/skeleton data extracted from OpenPose (Kinetics dataset), and Kinect v2 SDK (for...