Sichen Zhao
Sichen Zhao
hi, the jupyter ui should change to subpath too? When i change the subpath to central dashboard, i can't access the juptyer web. @javyxu
> when get the jupyter web ui. some js file cannot be getted (such dashboard/jupyter/static/polyfills-es2015.56dfe77c9ab6decab049.js). the error is: `Failed to load module script: Expected a JavaScript module script but the...
> > hi, the jupyter ui should change to subpath too? When i change the subpath to central dashboard, i can't access the juptyer web. @javyxu > > Is there...
> > > > hi, the jupyter ui should change to subpath too? When i change the subpath to central dashboard, i can't access the juptyer web. @javyxu > >...
meet the same problem, how to fix it?
Did you solved it? I meet the same problem.
> This can be accomplished through reverse-proxy and request rewrite rules as well. no, the proxy is not useful. the static files path is hard code.
> Hi @hahchenchen yes! The way we implemented it in the cloud relies on the llm app plugin so we're working on figuring out whether to bring that (or replace...