Takashi Nishibayashi
Takashi Nishibayashi
You can get job info by job_id. ``` request = client.bigquery.jobs().get(projectId=project_id, jobId=job_id) job_resource = request.execute() ```
Now synchronous query method cannot return over 100,000 results at once. You can fetch remaining rows with using `get_query_rows` method with offset parameter.
Hi. > I have errors : GL/glew.h not found, CV.h not found... These files are openFrameworks files. So, please check if openFrameworks examples can compile and run it. I seems...
I tested pre release v0.062 FAT version
I think this problem cause openFrameworks with Xcode4. Please check the oF forum.
TODO Only insert ANSI color code when using console handler.
今の所ZMQ以外の選択肢は思いついてないので、変えてもよいと思います。 ニックネームは何がいいんだろ