Hagai Hillel
Hagai Hillel
Hi @PhilAndrew Thank you for opening the issue and showing interest in skuber. I have started working on scala 3 support here #200 In case you want to put some...
Hi @an-tex Thank you for opening the issue and showing interest in skuber. I think you are talking about dynamic client. This exact client already implemented in other k8s clients(...
Hi @an-tex Yes that's also an option, generating classes from yamls related to OpenAPI Integration #180. I think it will be much more complicated to use third-party resources with such...
> > it will require you to create those yamls definitions ([example](https://gist.githubusercontent.com/yue9944882/266fee8e95c2f15a93778263633e72ed/raw/be12c13379eeed13d2532cb65da61fffb19ee3e7/crontab-crd.yaml)) > > Don't all third party resources have to define the CRDs themselves? Like in the [EventBus example](https://github.com/argoproj-labs/argo-eventbus/blob/main/manifests/base/crds/argoproj.io_eventbus.yaml)...
related issue: Automatically generate ObjectResource case classes from CRDs #193
the issue still exist, someone is on it?
Hi @mkurz @fgrutsch Im trying to upgrade my library to play-json with support for scala 3, even when I'm using play-json version ```2.10.0-RC6``` I keep getting scala 3 macro error:...
Another solution is having @JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.CLASS) annotation to class data members. It adds metadata to the data member and jackson is able to parse correctly the type.
It can support apache cassandra. There are some tweaks that might be needed for prometheus_cassandra.yml Anyway, you can take some time and test the setup and see if it fits...