OK, thanks for the clarification.
Any further clarification here @sidorares would be very much appreciated.
I am seeing the same behavior using the documented example [proxy](https://github.com/sidorares/node-mysql2/blob/master/documentation/Examples.md#simple-mysql-proxy-server) and an example client request such as listed above by @einsqing. ``` Warning: got packets out of order. Expected...
The packets need to be reset at various points (found by trial and error!). I'll try and post an example ASAP. FYI, my experience has only been with a proxy...
I had this issue many month ago when using mysql2 for a project. I ended up having to manually reset the sequencId's (through trial and error and packet analysis). Ive...
@tharrington @romabelka - I got it working on 0.12.0 by upgrading Mongoose to 4.1.3. I renamed npm-shrinkwrap.json for a quick test and it looks good. Im guessing the dependencies in...
+1. Lost so much time here trying to connect to MongoLab.
@azappa - I ended up using the official driver. Here is an example that may help - https://github.com/haganbt/super-public-collector/blob/master/lib/db.js