Hadley Wickham

Results 1544 comments of Hadley Wickham

But the problem doesn't seem to occur on https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/articles/customise.html#sidebar

Hmmmm: * In safari, https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/articles/customise.html#conclusion highlights PR previews * In chrome, https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/articles/customise.html#pr-previews highlights conclusion But I think those are a case I understand — there's not enough height in the...

One possible issue to look into is that I should now be supplying `rootMargin` instead of `offset`: https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.3/components/scrollspy/#options — hmmmm, but we're still only using 5.1

Carefully scrolling around in chrome makes me think it is an offset problem. If I jump to https://bartjanvanrossum.github.io/statgenSTA/articles/statgenSTA.html#modeling and then scroll down even slightly, it does highlight the correct heading....

I think this is beyond my ability to debug — I think someone with deeper knowledge of js will need to read the source code of the scrollspy plugin to...

It looks like it's going to be a decent amount of work to look up the full package remote from the DESCRIPTION, so I think it's best just to throw...

Thanks for filing this issue! Unfortunately, since no one else has asked for it (and it's a reasonable amount of work), I don't think it's ever likely to rise to...

I'm closing this since supporting arbitrary comment prefixes is still a long way away, still a lot of work, and still not requested by that many people.

@gadenbuie what if instead of using YAML we used an R data structure? And instead of using a special quarto template, we just provided some code that you could call...

@gadenbuie I think if you wanted to include it in a vignette you'd need to add pkgdown to suggests. That's not ideal as pkgdown is a rather heavy dep, but...