just posting so i can keep an eye on thread. will post details about new update as soon as ive gone through and tested. ubuntu 14.04 64 bit thanks @Tele42...
im getting a little bit more consistancy but still weird drops i took a screen shot of the net graph when it drops il attach. and my standards are pretty...
@Tele42 sorry hopefully thats added in now. also if needed i have linux issues stored in my email could go through and reference in this if they havent already been.
@NogradThGin does that mean modify the sh file and rename the executable? i also had to adjust some pulse audio settings.
after the last update and a few tweaks im getting more consistant fps. *the mem.level still changes itself but if you go into ur video.txt file change it to 2...
anyone got any quick workarounds or anything this is just unplayable for me.
intel drivers updates, mem.level changes, mat_queue_mode changes, changing to hl2_linux64 and adjusting .sh file to match, adjusting pulse audio settings through pavucontrol, before was reverting to 32 bit but that...
cool thanks. much appreciated mate. gunna keep trying different things.
@NogradThGin thanks that did help and so has playing with export __GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS=1 export multithread_glsl_compiler=1 still playing with it though.