Are there any other similar open-source projects you guys are familair with? Hadn't used Cartographer for a couple of years, was hoping to come back to some great improvements right...
@tharindurmt I don't know about plans for releasing the source code for the Velodyne lidar, but do you need the source code? The AssetBundle is prebuilt and included in the...
@WhoAmI-kai you need to use the `WeatherState` object to set the weather. See examples in [quickstart #18](https://github.com/lgsvl/PythonAPI/blob/master/quickstart/18-weather-effects.py).
@zxydi1992 I believe there should be more to the stack trace than what you have provided here.
This is by design. In waypoint mode the behavior of the NPCs is defined by the waypoints. The NPC is garuanteed to be at the right waypoint at the designated...
@gizem-buss the lane needs to be annotated into the scene. If the scene does not have annotations or you wish to change them you will need to modify them using...
@roboserg you are right. Those two lines are missing from those examples. Thanks for pointing it out! As for the bridge connection error, that would occur if there is no...
@BBlumi97 this isn't supported right now. If you want to modify NPC behavior you will need to "script it" using waypoint mode.
Hi @Gump0116 . Can you explain a bit more what you mean by "physical collision attribute"? When NPC's operate in waypoint mode they do not actually collide with anything (they...
All sensors are not supported by the PythonAPI. See [docs](https://www.svlsimulator.com/docs/python-api/python-api/#sensors). Only the sensors listed there are supported. For other sensors you will need to add a bridge (i.e. ros bridge)...