In the last Community Committee meeting, it was also determined that a temporary hold on voting ability should be placed on returning emeritus members upon reinstatement, so as not to...
> I think blind votes are appropriate for election and removal of people to roles. I don't think blind voting is appropriate for adding new members, for example. If someone...
I will PR this(next step determined in the CommComm meeting)!
1. Getting a couple of our issues around documenting onboarding and contributing PRed and walking through getting started with a willing participant to see what gaps we still have that...
I think it's certainly still worth doing, and I laid out the firs steps that we should do to start the work and begin to maintain it, but I can't...
Good questions! There are several challenges with this. First stage could very well be suggestions of current good resources. Long term, we need to have a better solution for discoverability...
@vdeturckheim @kristianjaeger Do y'all have any interest in building up some conversations about - resources we could have in this repo or where else they should live - consider how...
@bnb I meant to respond to this earlier. I try to consider tools other than GitHub for educational initiatives when appropriate because I've found a portion of the community lives...
@kristianjaeger As mentioned in prior issues you've commented on regarding Certification development, the majority of the Certification work is now happening not on GitHub at the moment due to meetings/planning...
That sounds awesome @stephenhuh! Feel free to PR this But if the resources cover far more, run with multiple docs. We can figure out how it can be split...