Thanks for the reply, I do have a dataset of 80k anotated images.How do i fix the multiple class object matting?
Hey, sent you a mail, please check
Hey, you havent checked my mail yet :) please do check it @wuyefeilin
@wuyefeilin its almost been a month please check the mail
ca you share anyother mail id? maybe baidu mail id is not working for me
They have shared only the inference weights, which is a zip which contains deploy.yaml as config which you can rub by using the file deploy/python/infer.py
Any update on releasing the training code anytime soon?
can we know an estimate on when it will be opensourced?
Thannks for your reply, I tested your Model with a different backbone and seems like the model is performing really good in high resolution network module where as the fusion...
try larger backbones like HRNet or efficientnet