
Results 12 comments of hackermondev


created pull request to fix it https://github.com/CesiumLabs/quick.eco/pull/29

The device won't be kicked out. It just won't work anymore. The WiFi will stop working for the device but it will still be connected to your wifi.

@iBotPeaches when will a fix be complete?

> As an individual, I deeply sympathize with what the Ukrainian people are going through and wish nothing but peace and safety for Ukraine. I have personally expressed support on...

hey @Stupremee, encountering the same issues. here's the code: https://gist.github.com/hackermondev/0f74bc31ed51169f1d9c7be3fda40864

This was introduced as part of a larger security issue they fixed. I was told they were going to revert this specifically but they never did.