Ilya Sytchev
Ilya Sytchev
We have a use case where uploaded files are 30GB+ and we would like to display the checksums to users. However, the checksums take a few minutes to calculate every...
More details:
* Specific code commit: v1.6.6 * Version of the web browser and OS: N/A * Environment where the error occurred: AWS ### Steps to reproduce Unknown, error report received by...
Avoid deploying NAT gateway and related resources if no Docker instances are provisioned
* Specific code commit: e2bb3a6 * Version of the web browser and OS: N/A * Environment where the error occurred: Vagrant and AWS ### Steps to reproduce Run an analysis... Celery 3.0 introduced a shiny new API, but unfortunately did not have a solution for Django users. The situation changes with this version as Django is now supported in...
Currently used version is 1.5.9 as of c96b8f5. "On July 1st 2018, AngularJS entered a Long Term Support period for AngularJS. We now focus exclusively on providing fixes to bugs...
Celery version used by Refinery (v1.6.9) is 3.1.20 (released on 2016-01-22). Celery 4.3.0 is the latest stable version currently (released on 2019-03-31). From [Celery docs]( "Please use Celery 3.1 for...
Python 3.5 end-of-life is 2020-09-13 Python 3.6 is included with Ubuntu 18.04 (#2616) Requires upgrade to Django 1.11 or higher (#2572)
Currently used version 16.04 LTS has end of life date April 2021 Ubuntu 18.04 LTS has end of life date April 2023 Python 3.5 (included in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS)...