Hi there, thanks for your product. Since yesterday (haven't used it at least a month previously so probably since longer) I can't get any results anymore with the search method:...
Hi there, I don't know how active this still is, but I'm having a problem with some test and I would like to check the tabu-list. There is nothing in...
Hi there, I read #442 and it tells you how to set up linux dash behind a nignx reverse proxy. I'm having the exact same problem as the owner of...
### Describe the Bug/Feature I have the problem, that a specific cookie doesn't get deleted, even though the log (and the little popup when I close a tab) says it...
Hi there, I'm getting "Process timed out, args=ls -load "alarm" -P alarm@192...:"/home/alarm". I think it might be due to the fact that I use SSH-keys and there is no routine...