Michael Haberman
Michael Haberman
What about it? Is that going to be merged? Thanks!!
I do agree that a production node application shouldn't log each and every response, but there few cases that I can think of that could benefit from this feature: 1....
After discussing update aws-sdk instrumentation in the last SIG meeting (https://github.com/aspecto-io/opentelemetry-ext-js/issues/169#issuecomment-897496262) we will upstream aws-sdk first and then elasticsearch instrumentation.
Unfortunately not in the near future, but we would be happy to help you if you are interested in contributing one.
Hi @hejkerooo I see that the path you defined for the typeorm instrumentation is 'opentelemetry-plugin-better-sqlite3' which might cause this issue. I think you can remove the path attribute and test...
Hi @justin-umesh This sounds like a good idea, are you willing to submit a pull request with the necessary changes?
Hi @onderceylan thank you for opening an issue, I would be happy to make it more testable. Would you be interested in creating a PR for it?
Hi @samarthmaniar, thanks for reaching out! That sounds like a good idea, will you be open to contributing a PR with that functionality?