
Results 17 comments of habitoti

It's been a while for this one, however I believe it's really important! The Symfonisk lying around in the living room tends to attract people to just turn the knob...

Using a Symfonisk is probably just an option, because you can use the hardware buttons of the speaker, music or speaker apps or Alexa/Hey Google. W/o being able to initially...

Also: if I open settings via the popup on the home screen icon, I cannot delete the user agent. It doesn't accept to clear the complete input (and continues to...

The journey continues ;-) I deleted Wallpanel and reinstalled it. Now the above user agent string no longer crashes Wallpanel, however it has no effect obviously. While Chrome renders the...

Well, I know. I just quoted the stack overflow page, as beside setting the user agent it seems to require some more programmatic settings, like ``` webSettings.setUseWideViewPort(true); webSettings.setLoadWithOverviewMode(true); webSettings.setSupportZoom(true); webSettings.setBuiltInZoomControls(true);...

That are methods of the WebView. Don't think you can call them through JS from loaded content.

Yeah, need to check with the HA folks then. Still confused why WebView renders exactly like Chrome/Mobile on the Lenovo tab, even while your settings from above look good for...

I think the agent is set correctly, because setting a "bad" one will raise an error ("unsupported browser version"...). Unfortunately, though, I can't reset it then to an empty one...

Regarding HA ignoring it: at least switching Chrome to "Desktop" makes it behave correctly. Not sure if there is more a browser can do than providing the correct UA. At...