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A lightweight C++ graph library
Graphlite is a lightweight generic graph library that supports
- node properties
- edge properties
- directed/undirected graphs
- multi-edges & self-loops
- user-specified data structures for the adjacency list and neighbor containers
in a pay-for-what-you-use manner thanks to template metaprogramming.
There are a number of C++ graph libraries in the marketplace, among which the Boost Graph Library(BGL) is the best-known. The downside of the BGL is that even though it's header-only, it still has Boost as its dependency. This library, being a generic header-only graph library, is very much inspired by the BGL, except that it is completely self-contained and all the functionality is in one singular header file, src/graph_lite.h.
Note that unlike the BGL, this library offers the graph data structure but not the various graph algorithms. The data structure alone can already prove useful for simple tasks that only require graph traversal. Even for tasks that require graph algorithms, the usage tends to be limited to one or two graph algorithms, which can be readily implemented on top of the data structure, and, even better, shared with others.
This library requires C++ 17 (or higher).
Graph and its Iterators
- Construction
- Node Iterators
- Neighbor Iterators
- Find a node by value
- Test whether a node exists in the graph
- Return size
- Count the number of edges between two nodes
- Get the neighbors of a node
- Count the neighbors of a node
- Find a neighbor of a node by value
- Get node property
- Get edge property
Graph Editing
- Add nodes to the graph
- Remove nodes from the graph
- Add edges to the graph
Remove edges from the graph
- Remove all
- Remove one
1. Graph and its Iterators
Construction of a Graph
We start with the template parameters of the Graph
template<typename NodeType=int, typename NodePropType=void, typename EdgePropType=void,
EdgeDirection direction=EdgeDirection::UNDIRECTED,
MultiEdge multi_edge=MultiEdge::DISALLOWED,
SelfLoop self_loop=SelfLoop::DISALLOWED,
Map adj_list_spec=Map::UNORDERED_MAP,
Container neighbors_container_spec=Container::UNORDERED_SET>
class Graph;
Type of nodes in the graph. Must not be cv-qualified or a reference. Must supportoperator<<
. Must supportoperator<
if adjacency list is astd::map
. Must support hashing if adjacency list is astd::unorder_map
Type of node properties.void
if not needed. Must not be cv-qualified or a reference -
Type of edge properties.void
if not needed. Must not be cv-qualified or a reference -
EdgeDirection direction
Non-type template parameter that takes value from the enum below. Determines if the graph should be directed or undirected
enum class EdgeDirection { DIRECTED, UNDIRECTED };
MultiEdge multi_edge
Non-type template parameter that takes value from the enum below. Determines if multi-edges are allowed. IfALLOWED
, no runtime check for multi-edges will happen during edge addition. Otherwise, runtime check will occur and edge addition will fail if the edge is already present
enum class MultiEdge { ALLOWED, DISALLOWED };
SelfLoop self_loop
Non-type template parameter that takes value from the enum below. Determines if self-loops are allowed. IfALLOWED
, no runtime check for self-loops will happen during edge addition. Otherwise, runtime check will occur and edge addition will fail if the edge being added is a self-loop
enum class SelfLoop { ALLOWED, DISALLOWED };
Map adj_list_spec
Non-type template parameter that takes value from the enum below. Determines the data structure of the adjacency list
enum class Map { MAP, UNORDERED_MAP };
Container neighbors_container_spec
Non-type template parameter that takes value from the enum below. Determines the data structure in which the neighbors of each node should be stored- if
are not supported - if
are not supported
- if
Performance tip:
- Prefer Container::VEC if graph modification is infrequent
- Prefer SET/UNORDERED_SET/MULTISET/UNORDERED_MULTISET if graph modification is frequent
- Use LIST only when (1)
is not hashable (ruling out unordered_maps) (2)NodeType
doesn't support operator< (ruling out maps), and (3) iterator invalidation is absolutely unacceptable (ruling out VEC).
//(default)undirected simple graph using hashtable for adj list and hashset for neighbors
Graph g_0;
// directed graph with edge weights, using rb tree for adj list and vector for neighbors
Graph<std::string, void, double,
EdgeDirection::DIRECTED, MultiEdge::DISALLOWED, SelfLoop::DISALLOWED,
Map::MAP, Container::VEC> g_1;
For the rest of the documentation we refer to the full type(with template params) of Graph
as GType
Node Iterators
Much like the STL containers, Graph
also has custom iterators. The iterator types can be accessed as
typename GType::Iterator non_const_it;
typename GType::ConstIterator const_it;
The begin and end iterators can be accessed using the following
Iterator begin() noexcept;
Iterator end() noexcept;
ConstIterator begin() const noexcept;
ConstIterator end() const noexcept;
which enables the following loops for graph traversal
for (auto it=g.begin(); it!=g.end(); ++it) {
// classic for loop
for (const auto& v: g) {
// range-based for loop
// NodePropType is void
Graph<int> g;
for (const int& node: g) { // print out all nodes
std::cout << node << " ";
// NodePropType is double
Graph<int, double> g_non_const;
// not using range-for here saves one look-up
for (auto it=g_non_const.begin(); it!=g_non_const.end(); ++it) {
// g_non_const.node_prop(*it) = 0.0; // this does the same as the line below
g_non_const.node_prop(it) = 0.0; // zero out all node prop
// g_const is const
const Graph<int, double>& g_const = g_non_const;
for (auto it=g_const.begin(); it!=g_const.end(); ++it) {
// g_const.node_prop(it) = 0.0; WON'T COMPILE! node_prop returns const ref
Neighbor Iterators
Just as Iterator/ConstIterator
iterates through the adjacency list,
typename GType::NeighborsConstIterator const_nbr_it;
typename GType::NeighborsIterator nbr_it;
iterates through the neighbors of each node.
- If
, both*const_nbr_it
have typeconst NodeType&
- If
is notvoid
, both*const_nbr_it
have typestd::pair
. The first fields are bothconst NodeType
. The second fields exposes a public method
const EdgePropType& prop() const // called by const_nbr_it->second.prop()
EdgePropType& prop() // called by nbr_it->second.prop()
Instead of returning a reference to the actual neighbor container, this library returns a pair of neighbor iterators, also known as a NeighborsView
, defined below
using NeighborsView = std::pair<NeighborsIterator, NeighborsIterator>;
using NeighborsConstView = std::pair<NeighborsConstIterator,
graphs, we can query the neighbors of a node by calling the member function neighbors
; meanwhile, for DIRECTED
graphs, a node can have both in-neighbors and out-neighbors. If we have two nodes, u, v, and a directed edge (u -> v), then u is an in-neighbor of v and v is an out-neighbor of u. We query the out/in-neighbors of a node in a directed graph by calling out_neighbors
or in_neighbors
// graphs with (1) no node property (2) edge property with type double
Graph<int, void, double, EdgeDirection::UNDIRECTED> udg;
for (auto it=udg.begin(); it!=udg.end(); ++it) {
auto [nbr_begin, nbr_end] = udg.neighbors(it);
for (auto nbr_it=nbr_begin; nbr_it!=nbr_end; ++nbr_it) {
// zero out edge property for edge (node, 42)
if (nbr_it->first==42) {
nbr_it->second.prop() = 0.0;
// edge property is immutable for a const graph
const auto& const_udg = udg;
for (auto it=const_udg.begin(); it!=const_udg.end(); ++it) {
auto [nbr_begin, nbr_end] = const_udg.neighbors(it);
for (auto nbr_it=nbr_begin; nbr_it!=nbr_end; ++nbr_it) {
if (nbr_it->first==42) { // nbr_it->second.prop() has type const double&
// nbr_it->second.prop() = 0.0; WON'T COMPILE!
// directed graphs
Graph<int, void, double, EdgeDirection::DIRECTED> dg;
for (auto it=dg.begin(); it!=dg.end(); ++it) {
auto [out_nbr_begin, out_nbr_end] = dg.out_neighbors(it);
for (auto out_nbr_it=out_nbr_begin;
out_nbr_it!=out_nbr_end; ++out_nbr_it) {
// zero out edge property for edge (node -> 42)
if (out_nbr_it->first==42) {
out_nbr_it->second.prop() = 0.0;
Invalidation Rules for Iterators
Both node and neighbor iterators follow the iterator invalidation rules of their underlying STL containers, as summarized by this SO answer.
For example
- If
is chosen, existing node iterators may be invalidated after adding or removing nodes due to rehashing - If
is chosen, existing neighbor iterators will not be invalidated by the addition/removal of (other) edges - Modifying node/edge properties never invalidates existing iterators
2. Queries
Find a node by value
ConstIterator find(const T& node_identifier) const noexcept;
Iterator find(const T& node_identifier) noexcept;
Searches the graph for a node with value equivalent to node_identifier
and returns an iterator to it if found; otherwise it returns Graph::end().
must be implicitly or explicitly convertible to NodeType
Graph g;
typename Graph::Iterator pos = g.find(123);
const Graph& cg = g;
typename Graph::ConstIterator cpos = cg.find(123);
Test whether a node exists in the graph
bool has_node(const T& node_identifier) const noexcept;
Returns true if the node is in the graph. node_identifier
must be implicitly or explicitly convertible to NodeType
Return size
size_t size() const noexcept;
Returns the number of nodes in the graph.
Return edge count
int num_edges() const noexcept;
Returns the number of edges in the graph.
Count the number of edges between two nodes
int count_edges(const U& source_iv, const V& target_iv) const noexcept;
Returns the number of edges going out of source_iv
and into target_iv
Returns 0 if either source_iv
or target_iv
doesn't represent an existing node.
Each of source_iv
and target_iv
can be either an iterator or a value.
Graph g;
auto pos_0 = g.find(0);
auto pos_1 = g.find(1);
// these four do the same thing
g.count_edges(0, 1);
g.count_edges(pos_0, pos_1);
g.count_edges(0, pos_1);
g.count_edges(pos_0, 1);
Get the neighbors of a node
(1) Exclusive to undirected graphs
NeighborsConstView neighbors(const T& node_iv) const;
NeighborsView neighbors(const T& node_iv);
Returns a pair of iterators marking the beginning and the end of the neighbors of node_iv
can be either an iterator or a value.
An exception will be thrown if node_iv
does not represent an existing node.
(2) Exclusive to directed graphs
NeighborsConstView out_neighbors(const T& node_iv) const;
NeighborsView out_neighbors(const T& node_iv);
NeighborsConstView in_neighbors(const T& node_iv) const;
NeighborsView in_neighbors(const T& node_iv);
Returns a pair of iterators marking the beginning and the end of out/in-neighbors of node_iv
can be either an iterator or a value.
An exception will be thrown if node_iv
does not represent an existing node.
Graph<int, void, void, EdgeDirection::UNDIRECTED> udg;
auto [nbr_begin, nbr_end] = udg.neighbors(123);
Graph<int, void, void, EdgeDirection::DIRECTED> dg;
auto pos_123 = dg.find(123);
auto [out_nbr_begin, out_nbr_end] = dg.out_neighbors(pos_123);
auto [in_nbr_begin, in_nbr_end] = dg.in_neighbors(pos_123);
Count the neighbors of a node
(1) Exclusive to undirected graphs
int count_neighbors(const T& node_iv) const;
Returns the number of neighbors of node_iv
An exception will be thrown if node_iv
does not represent an existing node.
(2) Exclusive to directed graphs
int count_out_neighbors(const T& node_iv) const;
int count_in_neighbors(const T& node_iv) const;
Returns the number of out/in-neighbors of node_iv
An exception will be thrown if node_iv
does not represent an existing node.
Almost always more efficient than calling std::distance on the iterator pair.
Find a neighbor of a node by value
(1) Exclusive to undirected graphs
std::pair<bool, NeighborsConstIterator>
find_neighbor(const U& src_iv, const V& tgt_identifier) const;
std::pair<bool, NeighborsIterator>
find_neighbor(const U& src_iv, const V& tgt_identifier);
Returns a pair (is_found, neighbor_pos). The first field is true if a node with value equivalent to tgt_identifier
is found within the neighborhood of src_iv
. The second field is an iterator pointing to the neighbor if found at all.
can be either an iterator or a value. tgt_identifier
must be implicitly or explicitly convertible to NodeType
An exception will be thrown if src_iv
does not represent an existing node.
(2) Exclusive to directed graphs
std::pair<bool, NeighborsConstIterator>
find_out_neighbor(const U& src_iv, const V& tgt_identifier) const;
std::pair<bool, NeighborsIterator>
find_out_neighbor(const U& src_iv, const V& tgt_identifier);
std::pair<bool, NeighborsConstIterator>
find_in_neighbor(const U& src_iv, const V& tgt_identifier) const;
std::pair<bool, NeighborsIterator>
find_in_neighbor(const U& src_iv, const V& tgt_identifier);
Similar to its undirected counterpart, except that the search for tgt_identifier
will be carried out in the out/in-neighborhood of src_iv
An exception will be thrown if src_iv
does not represent an existing node.
Graph<int, void, void, EdgeDirection::UNDIRECTED> udg;
auto [found_0_1, pos_0_1] = udg.find_neighbor(0, 1);
Graph<int, void, void, EdgeDirection::DIRECTED> dg;
auto pos_1 = dg.find(1);
auto [found_1_0, pos_1_0] = dg.find_out_neighbor(pos_1, 0);
Get node property
Exclusive to graphs with node properties
const NodePropType& node_prop(const T& node_iv) const;
NodePropType& node_prop(const T& node_iv);
can be either an iterator or a value.
An exception will be thrown if node_iv
does not represent an existing node.
Graph<std::string, int> g;
std::cout << "Alice's age: " << g.node_prop("Alice") << "\n";
auto bob_pos = g.find("Bob");
std::cout << "Bob's age: " << g.node_prop(bob_pos) << "\n";
// Bob is actually 20
g.node_prop(bob_pos) = 20;
// Bob just had his birthday
const auto& cg = g;
// cg.node_prop("Alice") = 99; // WON'T COMPILE! Assigning to const ref
Get edge property
Exclusive to graphs with edge properties
const EdgePropType& edge_prop(U&& source_iv, V&& target_iv) const;
EdgePropType& edge_prop(U&& source_iv, V&& target_iv);
Each of source_iv
and target_iv
can be either an iterator or a value.
An exception will be thrown if (source_iv, target_iv)
does not represent an existing edge.
Graph<std::string, void, double> g;
auto beijing_pos = g.find("Beijing");
auto shanghai_pos = g.find("Shanghai");
// the many, many ways to retrieve the commuting hours between the two cities
LOG(g.edge_prop(beijing_pos, shanghai_pos));
LOG(g.edge_prop(beijing_pos, "Shanghai"));
LOG(g.edge_prop("Beijing", shanghai_pos));
LOG(g.edge_prop("Beijing", "Shanghai"));
auto [found, b2s_edge] = g.find_neighbor(beijing_pos, "Shanghai");
// with the high-speed railway, now it takes only 4.5h
g.edge_prop("Beijing", "Shanghai") = 4.5;
// or, equivalently
b2s_edge->second.prop() = 4.5;
3. Graph Editing
Add nodes to the graph
(1) Exclusive to graphs without node properties
int add_nodes(T&& new_node, Args&&... args) noexcept;
Adds one or more nodes to the graph.
Re-adding an existing node results in an no-op. Returns the number of nodes actually added.
must have the same type as NodeType
; this is to prevent unwanted implicit conversion during node addition.
(2) Exclusive to graphs with node properties
int add_node_with_prop(NT&& new_node, NPT&&... prop) noexcept;
Adds a node with property to the graph.
Re-adding an existing node results in an no-op; in particular, the property of the existing node will not be changed. Returns the number of nodes actually added, in this case 0 or 1.
must have the same type as NodeType
. NodePropType
must be constructible from prop
Graph g;
assert(g.add_nodes(2, 3, 5, 7, 11) == 5);
Graph<std::string, int> sg;
sg.add_node_with_prop(std::string("Alice"), 21);
sg.add_node_with_prop(std::string("Bob"), 22);
// same_type requirement
// sg.add_node_with_prop("NO", 0); // WON'T COMPILE!
// "No" has type const char*, not std::string
Graph<int, std::map<std::string, int>> mg;
// unfortunately a map is NOT constructible from ONE pair; must use std::map explicitly
mg.add_node_with_prop(0, std::map<std::string, int>{{"age", 26}});
// construct node property (std::map<std::string, int>) in place with more than one pairs
mg.add_node_with_prop(0, std::make_pair("age", 21), std::make_pair("salary", 21000));
Remove nodes from the graph
int remove_nodes(const T& node_iv, const Args&... args) noexcept;
Removes one or more nodes from the graph, as well as the edges involving the nodes being removed.
Removing a non-existent node results in a no-op. Returns the number of nodes actually removed.
can be either an iterator or a value.
Caveat: Nodes are removed in the order they appear in the parameter list. Removing a node invalidates iterators to the node removed.
Graph<std::string> g;
g.add_nodes(std::string("Alice"), std::string("Bob"), std::string("Cyrus"));
assert(g.remove_nodes("Alice", "Derek") == 1);
// Bad idea!!! After the removal of "Bob", bob_pos becomes invalidated!
auto bob_pos = g.find("Bob");
g.remove_nodes("Bob", bob_pos); // just don't
Add edges to the graph
(1) Exclusive to graphs without edge properties
int add_edge(U&& source_iv, V&& target_iv) noexcept;
Adds an edge to the graph.
The following attempts to add an edge will result in a no-op:
- Either
not representing an existing node in the graph - Re-adding an existing edge when
- Adding a self-loop when
Each of source_iv
and target_iv
can be either an iterator or a value.
Returns the number of edges actually added, in this case 0 or 1.
(2) Exclusive to graphs with edge properties
int add_edge_with_prop(U&& source_iv, V&& target_iv, EPT&&... prop) noexcept;
Adds an edge with property to the graph.
The following attempts to add an edge will result in a no-op:
- Either
not representing an existing node in the graph - Re-adding an existing edge when
- Adding a self-loop when
Each of source_iv
and target_iv
can be either an iterator or a value. EdgePropType
must be constructible from prop
Returns the number of edges actually added, in this case 0 or 1.
Graph g;
g.add_nodes(1, 2, 3);
g.add_edge(1, 3);
auto pos_2 = g.find(2);
g.add_edge(1, pos_2);
g.add_edge(pos_2, 3);
Graph<std::string, void, double> sg;
g.add_nodes(std::string("NY"), std::string("LA"));
g.add_edge_with_prop("NY", "LA", 2 * 24 + 19);
Graph<int, std::map<std::string, int>> mg;
// unfortunately a map is NOT constructible from ONE pair; must use std::map explicitly
mg.add_edge_with_prop(0, std::map<std::string, int>{{"age", 26}});
// a map is still constructible from more than one pairs though
mg.add_edge_with_prop(1, std::make_pair("age", 21), std::make_pair("salary", 21000));
Remove edges from the graph
(1) Remove all edges between an ordered pair of nodes
int remove_edge(const U& source_iv, const V& target_iv) noexcept;
Removes all edges with the form (source_iv, target_iv)
from the graph.
Each of source_iv
and target_iv
can be either an iterator or a value.
Results in an no-op if
- either
does not represent an existing node -
(source_iv, target_iv)
does not represent an existing edge
Returns the number of edges actually removed. 0 or 1 if multi_edge
; [0, +\infty) if multi_edge
(2) Remove one edge from the graph by position
int remove_edge(ConstIterator source_pos, NeighborsConstIterator target_nbr_pos) noexcept;
Removes exactly one edge by position.
Especially useful when multi_edge
and a particular edge among the many parallel edges needs to be removed.
Always returns 1.
struct Travel {
std::string means;
double hours;
int main() {
Graph<std::string, void, Travel, EdgeDirection::UNDIRECTED,
MultiEdge::ALLOWED, SelfLoop::DISALLOWED, Map::MAP, Container::MULTISET> us;
us.add_nodes(std::string("NY"), std::string("LA"));
us.add_edge_with_prop("NY", "LA", Travel{"walk", 912});
us.add_edge_with_prop("NY", "LA", Travel{"bike", 244});
us.add_edge_with_prop("NY", "LA", Travel{"car", 41});
us.add_edge_with_prop("NY", "LA", Travel{"plane", 3});
assert(us.count_edges("NY", "LA") == 4);
// walking simply doesn't make much sense;
auto ny_pos = us.find("NY");
auto [n_begin, n_end] = us.neighbors(ny_pos);
// to remove it we must find it first
auto walk_pos = std::find_if(n_begin, n_end,
[](const auto& p){
// p is a std::pair
const Travel& travel = p.second.prop();
return travel.means == "walk";
us.remove_edge(ny_pos, walk_pos); // calling (2)
assert(us.count_edges(ny_pos, "LA") == 3);
// now suppose a lockdown happens and all forms of travelling are banned
int num_removed = us.remove_edge(ny_pos, "LA"); // calling (1)
assert(num_removed == 3);
assert(us.count_edges("NY", "LA") == 0); // confirm removal